
Black Spot Season 1 Episode 1 Who Raped the Girl


Zone Blanche/Black Spot is a French/Belgian 2 season serial, with 8 episodes per season, that's available on Netflix. The show takes place in the mysterious, isolated hamlet of Villefranche, which is set then deep in the primeval forest that the entire village and its surroundings have no cell phone reception- the black spot, or zone blanche, of the title. People tend to die in the woods, giving Villefranche a high murder rate, but the forest is a living presence which occasionally gives someone back. The villagers are closely connected to each other and to the woods.

Chief graphic symbol Major Laurène Weiss, the primary of police for the village, is one of the survivors who came dorsum from the forest as a young woman. Many years later, she remains haunted by the experience. In nowadays day Villefranche, some other immature woman, Marion Steiner, the girl of mayor and business owner Bertrand Steiner, has been missing for months. Laurène spends her spare time in the forest searching for Marion, who was shut friends with her own teenage girl, Cora. Laurène bristles when an outsider, prosecutor Franck Siriani, is sent to investigate the high law-breaking rate in the pocket-sized hamlet.


We are introduced to Villefranche using the the 1964 song Mr Lonely by Bobby Vinton. Visuals include the mountainous woods, ravens, fog, and an emergency phone at the village boundary line.

You lot've been warned, Mr Siriani. Enter at your own risk.

The man nosotros volition later learn is Franck Siriani (Laurent Capelluto) is stuck just outside the line with a cleaved downwardly car. He runs toward the phone and is attacked by biting bugs while he checks for cell telephone reception. He slaps the bug, looks at his hand in fear, and begins to race walk back to his car.

His legs requite out part manner in that location in a performance worthy of Mr Bean. Siriani heroically drags himself the residue of the way to the car, finds his EpiPen, and injects himself in the leg while he's lying on the side of the road. As Bobby Vinton sings, he wishes he could go back dwelling house.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Siriani Gets Bit Black Spot S1Ep1 Officers & Body in Forest Black Spot S1Ep1 Infinity Sign on Tree

Meanwhile, in some other, more than serious, part of the forest, Major Laurène Weiss (Suliane Brahim), her second in command, Sergeant Martial Ferrandis (Hubert Delattre), who is known as Teddy Bear (Nounours), and Dr. Leila Barami (Naidra Ayadi) search for a body that's been reported in this area. They find the body of new district nurse Sandra Chevrier hanging from a tree.

They speedily assess and document the law-breaking scene, showing that, although this is a small town, they are expert at this sort of piece of work. Though they knew the victim and are respectful, they show niggling emotion, again showing that they've become accustomed to this sort of loss.

Leila notes that the victim was stabbed 5 times while on the footing before she was hung from the tree. She died at least ten hours ago. Teddy Bear wonders why she was in such a remote spot.

Laurène examines the tree more than closely and discovers the infinity sign carved into the other side, underneath thick moss. The tree'due south sap is claret cherry-red. Leila thinks there must be iron oxide in the soil. Teddy Bear remarks, "The birds are going crazy. The copse are haemorrhage. We're going to take a sh**ty twelvemonth."

Back at the station, Camille Laugier (Tiphaine Daviot), who is preparing for her investigating officer examination, and Principal Inspector Louis Hermann (Renaud Rutten) fill up Laurène in on other boondocks news. There'south a protest at the sawmill that threatens to exit of mitt, since it'south the boondocks'southward largest employer and is scheduled to shut down in 2 days. Laurène sends Hermann to go on the protest under control. And someone plant Siriani lying on the side of the road, loaded him upwards in their trailer, and brought him to the station. At present he'south asleep on the burrow in Laurène's office.

She was hoping he'd given upwards and turned around instead, since she doesn't understand why he'southward there anyway.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Sleeping Siriani Black Spot S1Ep1 Officers Watch Sleeping Siriani

Once Siriani is awake, he gets started on a bottle of liquor while he talks to Laurène. They establish that he'south allergic to bees, most other insects, pollen, the sun, dust mites, and basics. He'south still getting over the fact that he about died on his way into town when all of his wireless devices failed at the same fourth dimension, including GPS. Laurène adds that microwaves can be a bit temperamental in their black spot.

Laurène asks why he's visiting in person when they usually talk to prosecutors on the telephone. Siriani simply took over the cases for Villefranche and was surprised at the size of the caseload. The Villefranche homicide charge per unit is 6 times the national average. Laurène explains that they are an isolated village in an unforgiving surroundings with an understaffed police department. They don't complain, but things happen. Siriani has 37 murder cases, now 38, that make him question what'southward going on with the locals.

Laurène introduces Siriani to the residual of the police staff, all 3 of them. Hermann has begun his investigation into this morning time's murder, but hasn't constitute much that seems of use yet. Sandra Chevrier was unmarried, had no friends, and cypher stood out when he searched her domicile.

She and her brother, Dimitri, grew up in a foster home afterwards their parents died. She came to the station to pick him upwards several times when he'd been arrested on drug charges. They decide to go talk to Dimitri, who still lives where they grew up.

Hermann remembers that the tree Sandra Chevrier was hung from is the same tree that they barely saved another man from dying on, Bruno Winkler, 5 years before. Hermann recognized the "eyeglasses" symbol carved into the trunk. Siriani explains that it'south the mathematical symbol for infinity, only Hermann is sure of his own estimation. Bruno Winkler's parents live in the area.

Siriani decides that they should take Laurène'southward motorcar and check things out right abroad.

Teddy Bear drives to the Winklers' business firm, where no 1 answers the door. The trio enter and slowly search the house. The find Bruno Winkler in a hospital bed, on life support. His father comes out of the dorsum of the business firm.

Mr and Mrs Winkler tell them that Sandra Chevrier was Bruno'due south nurse. He'southward been like this for 5 years, since he almost died past hanging. His encephalon went likewise long without oxygen.  The doctors aren't sure why he's however alive, simply his mother is sure he can understand what they say and holds out hope that he'll improve.

Siriani pushes some buttons on the machine. He tells them he has experience with this model because of his own medical issues. Then he points out that every night, the motorcar fails to record data between 9:00 PM and 1:00 AM. Mr and Mrs Winkler merits they know nothing. The nurses handle the machines.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Matilda & Bruno Winkler

Five years ago, Bruno worked at the sawmill and spent little time with his parents. They didn't meet his suicide attempt coming and don't know what information technology was well-nigh. Since then, they've ever been there for him. When his female parent makes this claim, the machines all register strong readings and alarms get off for a moment, then settle down.

Mrs Winkler claims it'southward a normal reflex. This would be why she thinks he can hear what'south existence said, since that was a well-timed reflex.

Bruno has the infinity symbol tattooed on his wrist.

Every bit they get out the Winklers, Siriani mentions that in Dante's Divine Comedy people who commit suicide go to the seventh circle of H*ll and are transformed into trees.

Trees that bleed. I do dear a human being who knows his Dante. As with the Bible, Dante can be used to answer all questions, if yous are so inclined.

Laurène isn't impressed by Siriani'southward knowledge of medieval literature and tries to get rid of him before their next stop, but he's much more persistent than that. Teddy Bear notices Mrs Winkler is staring at them while they get into their machine. She's not smiling.

The next stop is Sandra'due south brother Dimitri'south house. Siriani makes a critical remark nearly the state of the place. Laurène snaps that Villefranche has the same problems that everyplace else does and they'll continue as they usually exercise in approaching Dimitri. Laurène knocks on the door and calls out to Dimitri. Teddy Carry has moved out of sight.

Siriani, who must have spent all of his time in the office and none with the people he was prosecuting, stands backside where the door will open up and is slow to answer when Laurène tells him to motion back. He asks her what she meant by "usual arroyo" just as Dimitri comes slamming out of the firm, throwing the door into Siriani's face. He'll have a nosebleed and swollen olfactory organ to testify for his commencement time out in the field.

While Laurène teaches Siriani how to deal with his nosebleed, Dimitri runs straight into Teddy Bear, who takes him down with i move, then has to inform him of his sister's death. That part is sad, but it's funny that this was the "usual arroyo", and Dimitri apparently still runs in the same management every time the police come to his business firm.

Y'all'd call back Siriani would take had nosebleeds before. He just seems like the type.

In one case they all get inside, Laurène hands tissues to Siriani and questions Dimitri. She's the head of the constabulary considering she'south a great multitasker and surrounded by high need men.

Dimitri says that he hasn't seen Sandra in a calendar month, since they had an argument about his drug use. She was pushing him to quit once and for all. Laurène asks what he knows about Bruno. Dimitri gets even more upset and tells them that v years ago, when they all worked at the sawmill, Bruno was Sandra'southward supervisor and he tried to rape her. She pressed charges and that's why he tried to kill himself. Dimitri is sure that he came out of his vegetative state to get revenge on Sandra. He breaks downwardly.

The iii investigators wonder why they didn't discover a record of the charges in their initial search. Back at the station, Siriani looks into it and is told that charges were filed in July 2011, but since at that place was no evidence and Bruno was in a coma, the case was dropped. Either they didn't believe Sandra or they were pressured to driblet it to spare the Steiners, who own the sawmill and half the town, the scandal.

They presume that Sandra took the job caring for Bruno then that she could go revenge, but she's the one who ended up expressionless. Teddy Comport thinks the recordings that were erased must accept shown something important.

They're interrupted when Camille gives them a message from Hermann. All she could understand was "mess, sawmill, quick." The three constabulary officers rush out to help Hermann. Siriani decides he'south had enough for his first day.

The protest is confronting the sawmill shutdown. The protestors throw things at the police and shout at them to leave. Hermann says he's gotten the oversupply under control once more and points them toward the mayor, Bertrand Steiner, who also owns and runs the sawmill.

The townspeople desire to know what Steiner'south plans are for the town once the sawmill shuts down. He won't requite them a straight answer. He just tells them that he'due south always got the best interests of his town in listen. The people rebel, yelling that this isn't the Middle Ages and he isn't the feudal lord.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Laurene Bertrand Teddy at Sawmill Protest Black Spot S1Ep1 Bertrand's Photo of Marion

Bertrand tells Laurène that he called for reinforcements who oasis't arrived. The protestors close down the mill for the mean solar day, so they haven't been able to fulfill their orders. Plus, Laurène's daughter, Cora, and her friend, Rudy chained themselves to the logging tracks. Laurène is frustrated with Cora, since this is the latest in a long line of protests. Cora tells her mother that she'southward on the incorrect side. Laurène decides to abort all of the protestors, including Cora and Rudy.

Laurène and Bertrand go to his office, where he complains that no i understands that he has no choice almost closing the manufactory. The lumber business is no longer profitable. Laurène tells him non to yell at her, since the protests aren't her fault. So she consoles him that his missing daughter, Marion, will come home. She says that runaways are plant all the time, even subsequently vi months. Constabulary in the unabridged region are looking for her.

Laurène mentions Sandra's murder and rape and asks for his assist, but he refuses without a warrant. She points out that his male parent will block a warrant. He even so refuses and accuses her of mixing the personal and the professional. She walks out, after telling him Sandra's name.

Someone is chained to the rocks in a cave in the forest.

That night, at the local bar, El Dorado, Leila drinks ten shots to testify that she tin can't get drunk. The place is crowded because the first drinkable is free for out of work sawmill employees. Leila notices that Laurène looks like she went 10 rounds with the mayor. Both Leila and Sabine, the bar owner, say that Laurène should stop dallying with Bertrand and move on. Laurène insists that they haven't been together since high school, merely no one believes her.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Leila Black Spot S1Ep1 Sabine

A man named Pierrot hassles Laurène over existence too cosy with the mayor. She tells him to back off because she'southward off duty and doesn't want to piece of work tonight. He asks what she and her viii fingers will practice about information technology? Laurène calmly explains that she lost her fingers in a hunting accident with a wild boar, whose head she's had hanging in her living room e'er since. She can add together his head to her drove, if he wants. He tries to come up at her, only Sabine tasers him.

Siriani walks in but every bit Pierrot goes down. His car is nonetheless existence repaired so he needs to rent a room from Sabine for the night. He says that he'll continue to help her with the cases. She did some inquiry on him and discovered that he's being punished. He says that he didn't come across middle to eye with his superiors.

Laurène drives out to the forest and searches. It appears that she's methodically searching in a grid design.

Siriani rents a room from Sabine that isn't upward to his standards of cleanliness. It appears to accept a stuffed, dead Harpy on the wall, which he notices equally he's bathing in hand sanitizer.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Siriani Stares at Harpy Black Spot S1Ep1 Cora

When Laurène gets home she tries to make peace with Cora. Cora isn't prepare to exist forgiving. She just wanted to hold off Steiner long enough to get an injunction against the sawmill shutdown. Plus, she's blames Bertrand for driving Marion, her all-time friend, away.

In the morning, Cora leaves through her bedroom window, taking her bow and arrows with her. She'due south on her way to archery do. Laurène watches her get- the climb out the window isn't for secrecy. It's to avoid chat with her mother.

Teddy Bear arrives simply as Cora leaves and is happy to consume her share of breakfast while he and Laurène talk concern. He had nightmares about Bruno. Laurène teases him about being delicate, simply he says it's that information technology'south foreign to come across a suspect in a coma. He wants to go back to talk to Mr and Mrs Winkler to explore his instinct that there's something off near them. He points out that it's odd that they didn't mutter when the woman whose report led to Bruno'southward suicide attempt and current vegetative state turned up as his nurse.

Laurène tells him to keep investigating the parents. She has something else to practise.

She goes back to the forest and the tree where Sandra was hung, while Hermann, Camille and Teddy Bear question the parents and search the business firm. When Laurène touches the infinity sign, Bruno is shown startling, even though he'southward at home in bed.

Hermann doesn't understand how the parents have held on to someone in this state for so long. He went through this with his married woman. It was like she was there and not there. At his asking, Camille promises not to let him linger in the same state, should it always come up to that.

Bruno's parents are only marginally cooperative. They deny that they or Bruno had any interest in anything, either 5 years ago or now. Mrs Winkler states in the nowadays tense that her son hates people messing with his stuff. Camille and Hermann discover that Bruno'due south hands and anxiety are dirty with soil. Bruno has tremors while Laurène digs upwards a metal box from the base of the tree. There are photos of Sandra inside.

Sabine tells Siriani that he'southward stuck in boondocks for a while because his car had more trouble than the mechanic realized. She says that frequently happens with foreign cars, past which she ways cars that don't live in Villefranche. She had his files sent over so he could work and has given him the royal suite. The file at the top is about the Steiner family. Siriani realizes there might be a betoken to his car troubles.

Laurène shows the contents of the metallic box to Dimitri. They both believe that she cached information technology in the forest years ago and went dorsum to call up it the night she was killed. Dimitri also believes that Bruno visited his house to stem him recently, but Laurène is sure that Bruno is unable to.

Leila assures the police force that she's looked over Bruno's records and he's actually in a persistent vegetative state. Teddy Comport doesn't know what's going on, but he knows something is. Leila offers to find him a guy to hook up with, only he goes to proceed an eye on the Winklers instead. Laurène asks Hermann to find other summer interns who worked with Marion, but to avert going through the Steiners. Camille pops some pills to continue her awake through studying and working full time.

Laurène leaves to go dorsum to the forest again. Leila and Camille are shocked that she'south going back lone and isn't afraid. Hermann says that she'southward always afraid. Laurène parks virtually the forest, puts on her layers of sweaters, raincoat and backpack, and heads out into the woods. Teddy Bear arrives at the Winkler house, finds the backstairs wide open up, and Bruno's bed empty.

Laurène is followed past Bertrand, who looks like a monster in the distorted light from his car headlights. He asks what she'south looking for and doesn't believe that she's working on a case. He drops his absurd facade and becomes a desperate homo who's lost his daughter. He's sure that she's searching for Marion and that his daughter is doomed.

Some other brief flash of a adult female fighting to gratuitous herself from her chains in a deep forest cavern is shown.

Teddy Bear finds Bruno laid out on his dorsum on the ground, wearing only his underwear and struggling to exhale. Nearby, Mrs Winkler sits and watches. She won't allow Teddy Behave touch Bruno, insisting that nightly contact with the soil is what'due south keeping her son alive. Merely her married man has had enough and feels that it's time to let their son get.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Teddy & Hermann Black Spot S1Ep1 Sandra's Tattoo Black Spot S1Ep1 Siriani Laurene & Bertrand Black Spot S1Ep1 Bertrand

The adjacent day, Hermann says he'southward found three of the interns who worked with Bruno and Sandra. They all knew the rape story but don't call back Bruno doing anything inappropriate in their presence. One of the photos in Sandra's box showed all of the interns together. Laurène discovers that Sandra had an infinity tattoo that matched Bruno's. They wonder if Sandra and Bruno were a couple and Sandra subsequently had the tattoo removed.

Hermann in one case again insists that information technology's an eyeglasses tattoo.

They hash out the demand to go through the sawmill's files again, but are certain they can't get into them. Siriani steps into the room and suggests they oasis't asked nicely plenty however, by which he means the police haven't presented the Steiners with a warrant.

Bertrand gets all personally insulted when he sees the warrant, then tells Laurène that they destroyed their files in anticipation of the sale of the sawmill. And so he tells her that he saved everything that was related to Sandra'south internship, just for her.

Uh huh. I'one thousand certain he was but about to terminate by her bedroom with it. He clearly has some real emotions, but he's as well non above using anything he can to dispense her and everyone else.

Bertrand says that not long before his suicide endeavour, Bruno Winkler requested drug testing in his workshop and five workers tested positive.

Bertrand makes some other fissure well-nigh Laurène bringing in the prosecutor unnecessarily and wasting his time, but Siriani assures Bertrand that he lives for this sort of thing. Plus, it gave him a hazard to run into the mayor. Bertrand would have preferred to meet over a nice dejeuner, merely with all of his food allergies, serving a warrant is a more pleasurable experience for Siriani.

It's left unspoken, but the mayor probably should take made himself available before.

Bertrand'south wife, Léa (Anne Suarez),  pokes her head in to say that it'southward time for her and Bertrand to exit for an appointment.

In the file, they find that Sandra's brother Dimitri was i of the interns that summer who tested positive for drugs. Laurène and Siriani decide that she must have lied about the rape allegation to protect Dimitri, forcing her to choose betwixt the man the loved and her brother. They consider that she kept her silence virtually what she'd done for 5 years, and then was murdered. Siriani thinks that she dug upward her box of photos because she was going to confess to the truth.

They blitz to Dimitri'south business firm, only to observe that he's OD'd. He confesses to Laurène before he passes out. He meant to surprise Sandra rather than kill her. He'd gotten make clean, like she wanted. But he saw her leaving Bruno's business firm, then going to their tree and realized she nonetheless loved him. She wanted to get rid of Dimitri, to be free every bit a bird. Now he wants to be costless, besides.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Dimitri & Laurene Black Spot S1Ep1 Gaspard & Bertrand

The protesters sit down silently exterior the sawmill. Rudy tells Cora that they weren't able to become the injunction because the guy who was supposed to file for it got beat up instead and is in the hospital. Inside, Gaspard Bellan, Bertrand's main henchman, tells him that he'due south taken care of everything that stood in their way. The approximate that's in their pocket gave them a demolition permit, but he's worried about Siriani. Bertrand doesn't recollect Siriani volition be a problem. He finishes packing upward his role, then leaves with his personal property.

Laurène finds Siriani reading Dante at a table in the bar. "In the centre of the journeying of life, I constitute myself astray in a nighttime forest." She doesn't approve. He mentions that in that location's no church in VilleFranche.

Laurène: "We tried to build 1, one twenty-four hours, in the 15th century, I think. The stones were supposed to arrive by boat and in that location was a storm. Everything sank. Stop of story. The moral is- Nosotros are alone."

Sabine brings him a pot of tea. Laurène tells him that she knows his car is fixed. He says that he's decided to stay in Villefranche for a while. She says that in that location are bees and nuts in town. He knows, merely she's convinced him that information technology'south a special place.

He's done some research on her, also. She was born in Villefranche and has never left, even to take another constabulary posting, which is unusual. xx years ago, she disappeared and was plant three days later with two fingers missing. He notes that she was luckier than the mayor's daughter. She gets upward and walks out without a word.

The adult female in the cavern is shown again. This fourth dimension we can see that information technology'south Laurène. She finds a sharp rock and cuts off her pinkie and ring fingers from her left paw and then that her paw will fit through the manacle around it, allowing her to escape.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Siriani Reads Dante& Laurene Gets Beer Black Spot S1Ep1 Laurene in Cave


Lyrics to Mr Lonely, which play as the forest begins its attack on Siriani, leaving him crawling toward the emergency telephone:

I am and so lonely, I'm Mr. Lone
Wish I had someone to call on the phone
Now I'thou a soldier, a solitary soldier
Away from home through no wish of my ain
That'south why I'm lonely, I'm Mr. Lone
I wish that I could go back home
Letters, never a letter of the alphabet
I get no letters in the mail
I've been forgotten, yes, forgotten
Oh how I wonder, how is it I failed

These lyrics will merely become more relevant. Never say this show doesn't accept a humor.

Siriani refers to the seventh circle of H**l, as described past Italian author Dante Alighieri in his 14th-century epic poem TheDivine Comedy, which is broken upward into sections that accept identify in H**fifty (Inferno), Purgatory and Heaven (Paradiso). Dante travels through the 9 concentric circles of torment which brand up the Inferno and atomic number 82 to the recognition and rejection of sin. The seventh circle is for souls whose sin was violence.

The 1st ring inside the 7th circle is for those whose violence was confronting neighbors, the 2nd band is for those whose violence was confronting themselves and the 3rd band is for those whose violence was against God, Art and Nature. There is a divide punishment for each band. The 1st ring, where Dimitri might go (he's both a suicide and a murderer), is penalization past immersion in a river of boiling claret and burn. The punishment for the third band is to exist left in a field of called-for sand while fireballs pelting down from the sky. The 2d ring is the Forest of the Suicides, where the souls of the dead are transformed into silent, gnarled trees which are fed upon by Harpies, bird-similar mythical wind spirits.

When her body was found, Sandra Chevrier's eyes had already been pecked out past the ravens who are ubiquitous in and around Villefranche. Sandra wasn't a suicide, but maybe she felt she deserved to dice after seeing the status Bruno was in. Bruno'southward mother believed he was drawing healing energy from the earth, the contrary of the punishment for the tertiary band, existence tormented by contact with the earth.

When the police are discussing the matching tattoos and the possibility of Sandra and Bruno being a couple, it never occurs to them that he could have raped her even if they were a couple at the fourth dimension, or had been a couple in the past. Having sexual practice once isn't permission for sexual activity in the hereafter. Consent has to be given every time or it's rape, no thing what the pair'due south human relationship status is. The fact that the only possibility the police consider is that Sandra lied about the rape shows how difficult information technology is for women when they study a rape. The fact that the show ultimately determines that Sandra lied nigh beingness raped is deeply disturbing and only contributes to real life rape culture.

Likewise, because they saw Bruno's tattoo first, they assume he got his first or the two got them together, despite the signs of potential stalking in this case. It doesn't occur to them that Sandra could have had the tattoo first and Bruno could have copied it to arrive look like they were a couple as part of a stalking and harassment campaign that was meant to pressure her into condign his girlfriend.

The murder victim apace became the wrongdoer, based on picayune evidence, considering a few people said her alleged rapist was a prissy guy. Equally if information technology'south not typical for people to be dainty in some situations and the opposite in others.

The resolution of Sandra's story was simplistic and misogynist, with the implication that she acquired the deaths of herself and her brother and the attempted suicide by Bruno by accusing Bruno of rape to protect her drug aficionado brother 5 years ago. The Steiners must have cached the whole original incident, including the drug tests.

Sandra might as well have been named Eve or Pandora. She even had an incriminating box and a serpent-like symbol to show that she led both men to their deaths through her bad decision making. Though the two men got the agency of taking their own lives, while she was murdered. Dimitri made sure to country that he'd done everything for her in his final statement.

At least Black Spot does take a number of circuitous and intriguing female characters already, such as Laurène, Leila, Sabine, Cora and Camille. The male person characters are also varied and 3 dimensional in their personalities. I'grand looking forward to getting to know Teddy Carry, Siriani, Hermann, Rudy and Bertrand. Not so much Gaspard, just that'due south the way he'south written.

The Hamlet of Villefranche and the surrounding forest are imposing characters themselves, which make this a unique show. Laurène's story almost the nearly-church didn't really show that Villefranche is lonely. It showed that the Erstwhile Gods wouldn't let the new Christian God in. They are jealous gods who can be fickle and hard to understand, as nosotros've already seen.

Laurène feels like she'south ultimately alone in Villefranche, but she's searching for something or someone in the forest. It's implied to be Marion, simply is that the truth? She got herself out of the cavern equally a young adult female, but who put her into the bondage? Does the woods require an occasional human being sacrifice and the people instinctively know this, driving some to murder? Does Laurène have a connection to the forest at present, making her a witch?

Siriani is Dante, setting off on a perilous journey of self-discovery and growth, which will test him to the heights and depths of his soul. At the end of Dante's journey, he found God or self-actualization, whichever way you lot want to retrieve of it. The forest has already given Siriani multiple warnings, while the people have given him mixed messages about getting involved in their affairs.

The aptly named Teddy Acquit only has the best, warmest, about calm and steady presence. The scene where he and Laurène had breakfast together established their close friendship and working human relationship. Both are delightful. Everyone has flaws, but it'll exist heartbreaking if Teddy Bear ever shows a devious side. His steady centre complements Laurène'due south quick thinking, making them a slap-up detective pair.

Siriani brings his police force education and a love of solving circuitous puzzles by thinking outside the box to the mix, while Hermann has an astonishing retentiveness and middle for detail and Camille is the practical direct shooter.

Bertrand is slippery and complicated. He has deep feelings, merely he's also manipulative and ruthless when necessary. He'south juggling existence mayor, shutting downward the primary business organisation in town, being married, having a daughter who'south missing and having a potent emotional connectedness to Laurène. And that's but what we got from the airplane pilot.

Bertrand is very intelligent and he cares most all of his involvements, but I suspect that his loyalties are frequently tested. The destruction of the sawmill's records was especially suspicious. Then there was the way he told Gaspard to keep the details of his activities to himself. Those 2 are involved in some kind of shady dealings that won't be good for Villefranche.

Black Spot S1Ep1 Ville Franche

Images courtesy of Netflix.


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